February 14, 2011

fifty years ago.

fifty years ago love blossomed for my grandparents, and yesterday we celebrated their lives together. it was such a lovely day. as i was going through old photo's and listening to their life stories, it made me stop and think how different it all was back then. everyone had so much more respect for one another. the pressure of life now is so much more then it was back then. most people were able to live on one income where as these day a lot of people have to have multiple jobs just to make ends meet. people were friendlier and more sincere and would actually stop and say hi and mean it. where now-a-days people are so on the go, or on their mobile phones or whatever and don't stop to smell the roses and enjoy life. back fifty years ago people cherished and appreciated a new piece of technology and really took good care of their stuff, where now things are more knocked around and then trashed without second thought. life right now has so much given, so quickly, the value and appreciation of people, objects and gestures is nearly non-existent in this age of supply and demand. it's sad really that things have to change sao dramatically over the years. i must say technology is one of the more advanced thing these days, but it's sad how people rely on it so much, to the point where it's taking over their lives. sending letters in the mail seems like such a fun thing to do. but no one does it these days. sure, we're saving paper by sending texts and emails, but letters are far more personal and heart felt. to say the least, sometimes 'i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair'..

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